Thursday 16 January 2014

What is Machiavelli's position on leadership and how is it reflected in today's society?

In "The Prince", Niccolo Machiavelli advises 'the ruler' how to perpetuate autocratic rule through a number of means that many might find unfortunately very common in today's society. His name has become synonymous with a ruthless, deceptive, despotic style of leadership, but is that a fair representation?

Your Prompt: Machiavelli said that rivers and men can be controlled, but cannot be trusted. Discuss what this statement means and whether or not you think it is true. How Machiavelli’s position on how a leader (or prince) should behave reflected in today’s society (or, how is it NOT reflected in today’s society)? Be specific. This is an informal writing assignment in regard to tone, style, diction, etc. Please try to include a hyperlink AND an image or video. Please include at least one hyperlink and an image or video.

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