Sunday 19 January 2014

Machiavelli prompt

Machiavelli said that rivers and men can be controlled, but cannot be trusted. Discuss what this statement means and whether or not you think it is true. How Machiavelli’s position on how a leader (or prince) should behave reflected in today’s society (or, how is it NOT reflected in today’s society)? Be specific. This is an informal writing assignment in regard to tone, style, diction, etc. Please try to include a hyperlink AND an image or video. Please include at least one hyperlink and an image or video.

First of all, I completely agree with this statement. Using the metaphor of a river, rivers flow. They are a large mass that generally goes in one direction all the time, and they can be controlled, they can be tamed. With the placement of dams we can tell the rivers what to do and where to go, but we cannot trust them. Rivers are dangerous, rivers are stronger than us, rivers show no mercy. When a river decides to flood, it floods; when a river decides to pull you under, you go under. Men are just the same.

From a point of power, men are your river. You control them and you direct them where you want them to go. You give them what you want to give them, and you deter those that ask for more by whatever means you like. Everyone has secrets, and as the figurehead of a community or society everyone wants to expose everything about you. The problem is, the more you know the more power you have, and as a leader you don't want that power to be shared among the masses.

Men can be controlled, but cannot be trusted. When you lend your trust in its entirety to another individual, you are at full mercy of said individual. And people as individuals are greedy, and conceited. A leader, especially a prince, has a lot to lose, number one on the list would be reputation. It is the leader's job to maintain that reputation and the easiest way to do so is to not lend out your trust to the masses. If the objective is to remain in power, in control, then you have to control.

In today's society, politicians practice the very same position Machiavelli had. They lie, they cheat, they steal, and if someone rises against them they get rid of them. It may not be the 'right' thing to do, but it is human nature and it is what is needed to be done to remain in a position of power.

So yes, rivers and men can be controlled, but cannot be trusted.

Example of 'getting rid of someone''Connor

As long you keep them controlled, you're fine

1 comment:

  1. Very thorough. I really like your use metaphors.
