Monday 20 January 2014

 Machiavelli on Change and Trust

Humans by nature have a want to control their lives and make their own decisions, just like rivers flow uncontrollably in a certain direction. The power of a ruler can no more change the wants and needs of men than make the sky turn green. I think that this statement qualifies as the most relevant in context to the human condition.

To trust someone is to be chained to them, to trust no one is to free. We change our minds every minute of everyday, and with those changes there are consequences. The fact of the matter is that trust can never be carved into stone, nor can love or intelligence. These things are constantly changing because we as human beings are never constant."Rivers and men can be controlled, but not trusted" encompasses some of the most important things we need to know if we have any desire to survive. We need to know how to gain control and manipulate other people and different situations, we need to understand the dangers of having power at the tips of our fingers, and ultimately we need to learn and grasp the concept that you can never trust anyone but yourself. In the end we all look out for number one, that person being yourself, and if you cannot do that or won't, then you will not survive. So, when do the ends justify the means in this case? In my opinion they never do, because if I'm honest with myself, I can think of a handful of people that I would at least want to put ahead of myself in any situation. But there are those who believe that looking out for number one means that they are following the belief of natural selection; if you can't adapt, you won't live. Maybe in that context ends always justify the means.

Generosity is one thing, Machiavelli instructed, that could be overlooked when in the position to rule. But leaders in this day and age, on average, are very accepting and generous people. There is more of an allowance for people to incite change to improve their conditions, and to control who or what governs their country. For example, in Canada we have free health care because our leaders believe in equality for all classes. Whereas in the United States, health care expenses can be the largest debts for families because they believe in working to get what you need.

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