Sunday 19 January 2014


I completely agree with his statement because i have experience with people and with rivers and in many cases i have seen people controlled by social protocol, their environment, their dictators, but i have never met a single person that can be trusted 100%. Also i have a fair amount of river paddling experience and it seems to me that rivers and men are quite comparable. Dams are created to control rivers but it would be whole heartily foolish for me to trust the river when im paddling. I might be taking this in quite a literal sense but i do think that the two are comparable and it makes sense to me. I would say that Machiavelli's ideas of a leader are not often observed in western culture especially due to democracy but in many places around the world having a feared political leader or dictator is a reality.

jake fell

1 comment:

  1. Jake, I think your knowledge of rivers and paddling gave insight into Machiavelli's reasoning behind using rivers for this comparison.
